David de las Heras (Bilbao 1984) Artist and Illustrator.

He has a bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of the Basque Country, and graduated in the cycle of Illustration of the Escola Massana, in Barcelona. His work as painter has been exhibited in different countries such as Germany and Portugal; as well as in different galleries in many cities of Spain. As an illustrator he has published a lot of books; recently he has illustrated "The Tiger" a story written by Joel Dickër edited in Spain by Penguin Random House. He has also specialized in book covers, his work has been awarded as the best cover of 2015 at the Junceda Awards for the book "Kalimán en Jericó" published by Bambú publishing house. His also worked for different spanish newspapers such as El País, in the cultural supplement of ABC, and on several covers for El País Semanal.

Represented by:

  1. Central Illustration
  2. Pencil Ilustradores (in Spain and in Southamerica)